Belfast 5G Innovation Region - Funding Competition

The Belfast 5G Innovation Region (5GIR) programme, led by Belfast City Council's City Innovation Office, is working with businesses, academia, and the public sector to support the adoption of 5G and…

Boy playing with a sparkler type of firework on contemporary bridge, white and lilac glow

'Playable' streets £30,000 IoT challenge

We’re running a two-phase competition for innovative companies to explore how we can use our new Things Connected IoT network to re-imagine our city centre. (Closed 27 July 2018.) Over the last…

Rise Sculpture at broadway roundabout in Belfast, a huge white sphere within a sphere

£11.5 Million full fibre investment

Belfast is to receive £11.5 million from the government’s Local Full Fibre Network (LFFN) challenge fund to boost the city's digital connectivity. The funding will allow us to install an extensive…