Belfast 5G Innovation Region
We’re supporting local businesses and industries to deliver a range of projects powered by 5G.
Here we will let you know about competitions, challenges and project calls.
If you need to find out more, please contact us.
Smart Foundations

Understanding city challenges
The Belfast agenda (our community plan) describes the broad nature of outcome-focused challenges facing the city.

Engaging innovators and entrepreneurs
We want to co-opt the local SME sector and our universities to tackle challenges together.

Using city data assets
Innovators and researchers require quality data and infrastructure to develop new ideas, applications and products.

Delivery mechanisms
Lasting partnerships need governance and accountability mechanisms, innovation needs flexibility.
Want to connect with Smart Belfast?
We would love to hear from you. Whether it’s to join our mailing list to be kept informed, to register interest in a competition, or to share ideas or your work with us.
Contact Us